What Mileage Expenses Can You Claim?

What Mileage Expenses Can You Claim?

If you drive a car on a regular, say weekly, basis then it’s likely that you will be eligible for what is called ‘rate motoring’, which is essentially a form of insurance that covers you for how much mileage you use your car every year. This is actually compulsory by some car insurers, and if you live in the UK, you need to take it on. It’s worth remembering that if you do have a claim, you can only make a claim for the amount of mileage you used in a year, and not for the entire year, but you should check this out as a way of getting a general idea of how much money you might be looking at having to pay out for your policy.

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Ask any Vehicle Fleet Management Gloucestershire based companies and they will tell you the same thing. Claim for mileage expenses in your role at work need not be prohibitive. MPH Vehicle Solutions are great at tracking this for you with their fleet management system. The fact is that every employer has a different approach. A good idea is to take a photo of the mileometer at the start of the week and then one at the end as evidence. You should always keep all of your receipts as well.

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Of course, the last type of insurance cover that we’re talking about here is personal injury claims. This is usually the most common type of insurance that people end up taking out when it comes to what mileage expenses can you claim.
