How knitting can benefit older people

Any seasoned knitter knows that knitting has a range of benefits that go far beyond the beautiful things you can create. Knitting is a great hobby for all ages, but it tends to be particularly good for older people who can benefit in a range of ways. Let’s take a closer look.

1. It keeps your fingers nimble

Knitting is a great way to keep your fingers nimble and active, especially as you get faster at knitting and are able to learn more complex stitches. It’s a really engaging hobby that keeps your hands and fingers moving and mobilised which can help circulation.

2. It keeps your brain sharp

Knitting is a fantastic activity that keeps your brain sharp and active. You can learn a huge array of stitches, techniques and projects to continually develop your skills and hone your craft, all while working your brain

3. Knitting is creative

Knitting is a very creative activity that allows you to work with colour, stitches, shapes and different types of projects to create something truly unique and special to you.

4. Knitting is low-cost

Unlike a lot of hobbies, knitting is very low cost. You can even recycle knitted blankets and clothes and buy yarn second-hand. People get very creative with their supplies, keeping scraps for small projects and engaging in yarn swaps. You can also buy knitting kits. The advantage of Wool Couture knitting kits is that they provide all the materials you need to get a project done, without any waste or excess.

5. Knitting is social

A lot of older people choose to knit with friends or as part of a knitting group. This can be a wonderfully social activity that lets people come together, chat, swap knitting skills and tips and have a hot drink. This forms a vital social function that can be hugely important as we get older.

6. Knitting can be done anywhere

Knitting is also incredibly versatile, meaning it can be done anywhere at all. This is a huge bonus for older people who are still busy with their activities, travels and family!
