Four ways to organise your garage

Four ways to organise your garage

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as a perfectly organised garage or shed. But what’s the best way to do this? We take a brief look at four of the top ways you can organise your garage.
Clear plastic containers

You can pick up these containers from most hardware or homeware stores. This is an easy way to store small, fiddly items that can be easily categorised and need to be stored safely out of the way. This kind of container offers many benefits over traditional boxes, including being completely waterproof, pest-proof, and stackable. The advantage of clear boxes in particular is that you can easily see what is inside each one too.

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Specialist wall and ceiling mounts

The garage is the obvious place to store odd and over-sized items. This includes bikes, tools, boats, sledges, and oars. Maximize the floor space by creating bespoke mountings for these items.

For example, a simple metal pole with hooks on the wall can be used to mount a bike, or you can even be a little more inventive. Make use of batons or pieces of ply across the ceiling beams, which can be used to create storage for boats and other bulkier items in the gable space.

Keep any mountings to the back so there is space for your up-and-over garage door. If you’re looking for garage doors Gloucester, make sure you get them installed by professionals such as, ideally before you build any storage solutions.

DIY Shelving

Just buy a few brackets and make use of disused planks to create low-cost, durable, and robust shelving. These can help maintain a larger available floor space and can enable you to categorise items more effectively by shelf.

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Dedicated garage shelving

Durable, open shelving that is designed for a garage space is another easy way to organise your garage. Not only are these kinds of shelves robust, but they can also be moved with ease when you want to change the layout.

These four ideas are just some of the ways you can consider getting your garage space more organised.

Home Improvement