What is Sustainable Construction?

What is Sustainable Construction?

Sustainability is a general approach to building design that seeks to create buildings, homes, communities and landscapes that can endure the present climate and environmental conditions, as well as long-term changes that may occur. Specific design goals are established to guide the creation of a building that will meet or exceed the expected life expectancy of its components, while still providing adequate housing, health care and other vital services for the local community. For many architects and building experts, sustainable building represents a comprehensive approach to building design and construction.

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The definition has been constantly evolving and is always changing to accommodate changing priorities and approaches in the building industry, ranging from the global recession to the ever-changing priorities of society. In the past, sustainable construction was primarily concerned with “green” building, which meant utilizing energy efficiently, using recycled materials, and minimizing the use of toxic materials. Green construction practices have grown in popularity in recent years with the push toward green technologies and products. However, green construction is just one element of sustainable building. For information on Construction Companies Manchester, visit a site like Piggott and Whitfield

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Good environmentally friendly practices should include building developments that utilize the most up-to-date technologies, employ the use of recycled and recyclable resources, promote a healthy environment through a complete curb-to-curb inspection strategy and encourage a balanced growth and development of our communities. Green building practices are only one aspect of creating a healthy environment, but they are an essential component when it comes to meeting today’s growing energy demand and decreasing landfill waste.
