Six Things You Could Be Wearing Next Year

Six Things You Could Be Wearing Next Year

Now that life is returning to some semblance of normality, fashion has started to become important again. As if to make up for lost time, menswear designers have come up with some exciting trends to keep an eye on.

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Temperature Control

With temperatures in the UK perpetually hovering between not quite cold and not quite hot, the cardigan is a useful item to ward off mild chills. The cardigan can vary between casual and quite smart depending what you pair it with. If unsure how to wear a statement cardigan, here are some tips from The Guardian on how to do it.

Sleeveless knits and t-shirts are important trend – obviously for when the weather has moved to the warmer end of the scale. More adventurous dressers may wish to pair a sleeveless tank with a skirt or tunic. This could be the look to try if you like the feel of bare legs.

Soft Tailoring

The suit has also come in for a rethink, with traditional tailoring making way for more casual interpretations which can go from the sofa to the office and back again. Men’s clothes have also traditionally clustered around the more conservative colours, but designers are embracing rainbow hues now, so watch out for jackets or jumpers in fuchsia pink or sky blue. Big shorts is another trend that is making its presence felt, with some billowing fabric around the thigh being comfortable and flattering and with the potential to pair with jackets, overshirts or whatever takes your fancy.

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You will find that Calvin Klein menswear can be counted on for a range of clothes that suit most men and their budgets. If you want to find out more about Calvin Klein menswear, then it would be a good idea to look for suppliers of the Calvin Klein for men line. It offers many classic and timeless wardrobe staples.

Men’s clothing is becoming more fun, perhaps satisfying a deep craving most of us have for some levity following the horrors of the pandemic. Now you can not only dress for success but dress for the changes that have taken place in working lives and the fun that most people are embracing now it’s possible to go out and mingle again.

