Three Things to Keep you Healthy in the Winter

Three Things to Keep you Healthy in the Winter

Being healthy is important and in the winter, it is especially important to be aware of out health. Here are three things that you can do to make sure that you are as healthy as possible in the winter…

Food and Drink – In the winter we can not only keep warm but look after our health by making sure that we enjoy the right winter foods and drinks to give us the nutrients we need. As winter is cold and flu season, plenty of fresh veg should be eaten – these can be added to soups or stews to make sure we are getting enough vitamins. Have lots of hot drinks too, like herbal teas and malt drinks to help with sleep at night.

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Keeping the House Warm – Making sure that you home is warm enough is crucial – having a home that’s too cold can be the cause of many illnesses in winter, a lot of them serious or fatal. Have your heating checked to make sure that it is all working well – make sure that you have a professional do this like this boiler repair Belfast based company, Belfast gas.

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Have plenty of Exercise – Although you may feel more tired and sluggish in the winter, and just want to snuggle up under your duvet, in order to keep your body healthy, it is crucial that you get plenty of exercise. If you are not keen on leaving the house on those chilly days, try online fitness classes that you can do at home.

Food and Drink