A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming an Author

If you have always had a passion for writing, then you may have considered publishing your own book and becoming an author. However, becoming an author can seem like a very daunting venture and you may have been put off. Luckily, there are now many different ways that people can publish their own works, so almost anyone can become an author and stand a chance of becoming successful. In this article, we give you a beginner’s guide to becoming an author.

Like any skill, your writing skills can only improve by practising. If you have a full-time job and other commitments, you can sometimes struggle to find time to work on your writing. However, by carving out a few hours a week to dedicate to your writing, you can quickly begin to improve your skills. Consider taking an online workshop to understand how to improve your writing. You can also join a writing group where you can share your work with others and receive some feedback on how you can improve.

Once you have a good base, then you can start to think about writing your first book. Think about what books you enjoy the most and what you feel like you can write best. For example, if you like fiction and fantasy, then you may want to have a go at writing your own high-fantasy novel. However, if you are more interested in history, then you may want to write a nonfiction book.

As a new author, it is important that you begin to get your name out there. One of the best ways that you can do this is by utilising social media. Start by growing an audience on multiple social media platforms by discussing books and literature that you enjoy. Once you have built up a small following, then you can begin to advertise your own works. It is also important that you have your own website for when you start to publish your books. Your website is where your readers can find out more about you and also discover all the books that you have published. If you do not know how to build a website, then you can contact a Shopify Website Design company that can build one for you. An example of one of these companies is etempa.co.uk/shopify-web-design/
