Working as a Teaching Assistant in a Special Educational Facility

Working as a Teaching Assistant in a Special Educational Facility

Working as a Teaching Assistant in a Special Educational Facility is a very rewarding experience but this important role can also prove quite challenging.  The children who attend these schools have many various issues to overcome that prevent them from attending a mainstream school.  Some are physically disabled, while others struggle with anxieties and learning difficulties, some have very challenging behaviours and can become violent when they are scared, anxious or in a new situation that they don’t understand.  That’s why most Special Educational Schools send their Teaching Assistants on an elite Challenging behaviour course, run by a professional, reputable, experienced Agency such as  Having thorough and comprehensive training from a specialist will allow the T. A’s to understand why their students behave as they do and more importantly the best way to resolve any conflict without anyone getting hurt.

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These training specialists will teach the staff the most important five coping strategies when dealing with a child experiencing a challenging behavioural episode. 1) Don’t take the behaviour personally, it’s not about you. 2) The behaviour may be challenging but the child is not. 3) De-escalate the situation first, problem solve later. 4) There is ALWAYS a reason behind the child’s behaviour. 5) Deal with the situation with empathy and compassion, try to imagine what the child is going through.

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With all the training and with encouragement from the Teaching Staff and Leadership Team at their schools the T. A’s will have a much better understanding of the children they support.

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