17 rope training exercises to work the whole body in full

17 rope training exercises to work the whole body in full

The rope training is a training method very used in Crossfit with which we can work intensively both muscle strength and tonicity and aerobic capacity. Using very thick ropes and with a considerable weight, we can perform a variety of exercises to work the whole body like the ones shown below.

Although with the most basic of movements that we make we will be working many muscles of the body, the battle ropes admit infinity of variants with which we can focus the effort only on the abdomen or, on the extremities of the body.

The rope training exercises to work the whole body in full

Exercises for the lower and upper body trainrope training exercises

To focus the effort on the lower and upper body train, that is, work primarily arms, pectorals, back, shoulders and also, legs and glutes, we can perform the following exercises:

Alternating batidas: it is the most basic movement and it consists in alternately shaking the strings with both hands, thus forming waves in parallel with them.

Circles: drawing circles with both hands, inwards or outwards, we will work intensely muscles of the back and arms that must mobilize the whole of the strings with their strength.

Power slams: holding the ends with both hands and moving the two arms at the same time we make a sharp lifting of the ropes to throw them hard to the ground as shown below:

Side battles, side by side: The classic batters, are executed by moving your hands vertically, up and down. But in this case, we will move the strings side by side, taking the arms to one side and the other side of the body.

Front elevations: as we would do with dumbbells, we can work shoulders with the strings, bringing both arms slightly flexed and holding the strings up and forward. This is one of the rope training exercises to work the whole body in full.

For more leg and glute workrope training exercises

Alternating battles with dynamic squat: the traditional movement consisting of shaking the strings with both hands up. And down alternately can be accompanied by a squat or traditional squat, that is, descending. And raising the whole body while still moving the strings.

Alternating strokes with strides: just like the previous movement but performing strides or lunges we can perform the strings of strings while simultaneously working arms, back, shoulders and also, glutes and legs as shown below:

Batidas with lateral displacement: to elevate pulsations while we work abductors. And adductors we can perform the alternate movement of strings moving laterally with the legs separated and slightly flexed.

With this alternate lateral strides: to work muscles usually forgotten from the legs. We can make alternate batters in lateral stride position. And moving to the opposite side or opposite leg while still mobilizing arms. This is one of the rope training exercises to work the whole body in full.

Batidas with an elevation of heels: to work cufflinks, we will position ourselves standing mobilizing the strings with the arms. And at the same time, we will elevate the heels staying on tiptoe as we would do with bar or dumbbells.

Jumping jacks: to work simultaneously arms, shoulders, and back. And lower body train we can perform this classic jump that separates arms and legs at the same time. But with ropes in both hands, as shown below:

Exercises for the middle area of the bodyrope training exercises

If we want to work abdominals and other core muscles with battle ropes we can execute the following movements:

Russian twist: as we would with a Russian kettlebell, a ball or a disc between our hands. We can carry both strings together on both sides of the body, using them as a load.

Lumberjacks: as you can see in the following video and as it is executed with pulleys. We can make woodchoppers or lumberjacks carrying the ropes with both hands from top to bottom and from one side of the body to the other:

Plank slams: in an iron or abdominal plank position with arms outstretched and hands resting on the floor. But holding the ends of the heavy ropes. We alternately raise arms to move a rope at the same time executing a big wave as in the classic slams shown before.

Grappler toss: it is like running the Russian girso standing, with the knees slightly bent. And carrying with both hands, the cords towards one side and the other side of the body. Ideal for working the obliques.

Alternating beaters sitting on a fitball: instead of standing. We will use a Swiss ball or fitball to sit on it. Because it is an unstable surface we will work intensely the middle area that will contract to help us maintain. The position while the arms are mobilized for form waves with the ropes. This is one of the rope training exercises to work the whole body in full.

Alternating beaters in V position: just as we would execute the isometric abdominal classic that consists of raising the feet and trunk at the same time to form a “V” with the body, we can make alternate batches from this position and intensely work our body.

With these 17 movements that you can perform with battle ropes, you will not only burn calories. But also, you will work all the muscles of the whole body. Do you dare to try them?

Health and Fitness