2 traditional Balinese village that charm your mind

2 traditional Balinese village that charm your mind

Although the island of Bali is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, it is true that you can still find on the island places where the impact of tourism has not arrived or at least they have known how to take out their most positive side. These places are called the traditional Balinese village, communities that are working with tourism more responsibly. It has been able to maintain their way of life, culture and the natural resources that surround them.

Traditional Balinese village

The 2 traditional Balinese village best known and visited by tourists are the Penglipuran and the Tenganan Village.

Penglipuran village

penglipuran village bali

The village of Penglipuran has located 1 km from Kubu and 6 km from Bangli in the center of the island of Bali. Penglipuran is famous for how well maintained the village is, which earned it international recognition with several awards. In the village, road traffic is forbidden, everything is pedestrian. It is also not allowed to litter trash on the floor or to smoke outside the assigned areas.

One of the biggest recognition is that it is the only village on the island that has a traditional waste management system, using organic waste as fertilizer for their crops and plastics to recycle in the village or sell for recycling.

Penglipuran village

One of the things that stand out of Penglipuran is the symmetry of the houses (all oriented towards the nearby Monte Agung) and the refined finish (roofs of houses and furniture) made with bamboo. Very interesting facts of the village apart from the temple or Pura Penataran is to visit the nearby Bamboo Forest to know the place from which the locals are supplied to use it.

The whole village lives on the benefits of tourism in a communal way. The benefits are invested in improving the education of the children of the village and on avoiding the escape of young people who can continue to live in the village and continue to cultivate their crops traditionally.

The entrance price to the Village of Penglipuran is 30,000 IDR.

Tenganan village

tenganan village

Tenganan is the other traditional village of Bali and is located 5 km from Candidasa. While Penglipuran is more touristy or more focused on tourism, the Tenganan Village still maintains that different air that made it famous all over the world. Until well into the 1980s, very few foreigners knew about the existence of this village.

The few descendants of the Bali Aga ethnic group live in Tenganan, the original population of the island of Bali before the arrival of the first Javanese and the Hindu religion. Due to its closed access for centuries, its ardor warrior (the stone wall that protected it is still visible) the Village of Tenganan and its inhabitants maintained their customs and ways of life.

tenganan village

After the economic development of the area and the arrival of tourism, the community of Tenganan has been opening but knowing how to maintain its customs and culture. The Bali Baga have animistic beliefs, giving much value to the spirits which inhabit their typical traditional fabrics dyed with a unique technique on the island called Double Ikat.

The entrance to the Village of Tenganan is 15,000 IDR

The best way to go free to Tenganan or Penglipuran is by rented motorcycle or rented car. It is also very common to be part of the tours of many organized tours offered on the island.

Final thoughts

Be very respectful to people. You will be surprised by their kindness. Although it is true that they are not essential places to see, visiting some of this traditional balinese village is perfect as a stop in a day of excursions through the temples and rice fields of the area.

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