A beginner’s guide to content marketing strategy

A beginner’s guide to content marketing strategy

Wondering how to create a content marketing strategy? Here are the main steps that you need to know.

1. Define your mission and goals

This work will tell you what you are trying to achieve with your marketing strategy. When you use marketing strategy consultants such as www.reallyhelpfulmarketing.co.uk/specialist-services/marketing-strategy-consultant/, this stage will take time and effort to get right. If this stage isn’t correct, the rest of the strategy will not succeed.

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  1. Set KPIsKey Performance Indicators will give you the markers of success. They are usually set with SMART principles for easy and objective measurement.

    3. Research

    Marketing strategy consultants usually deliver tailored market research to understand the audience, competitive landscape and other key research topics, often within a PESTEL analysis. As part of this, the brand’s current position will be established.

    4. Agree content channels and types

    There are plenty of different channels and content types to choose from, including blogs, videos, email marketing, website content, social media marketing, advertising and more. Most businesses will seek to use a blend of these.

    5. Plan the content

    At this point, the marketing strategy consultants will help the business to plan a content calendar and assign resources to it, so that it’s delivered on time. The content must be delivered to defined quality standards and according to the calendar.

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  1. Measure results and feed back into planningOnce the content is out there, the results must be measured so that adjustments can be made if necessary. This insight will feed back into the strategy for ongoing adjustment.

    This approach to marketing strategy planning is commonly used by marketing strategy consultants with clients to formalise and structure the best approach to content marketing. Every business will be different, but this framework is a great starting point for creating your own.

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