Poseidon: Grumpy God Of The Sea

Poseidon: Grumpy God Of The Sea

On first learning of the Greek Gods, it can be surprising to learn just how grumpy the sea god Poseidon was. He was, in fact, the most irritable and touchy of them all. He was a real grinch. It’s not a good thing to be on the wrong side of any god, but it appears that Poseidon will end up being the one who you’ll most likely end up irritating. So much so that Greek sailors worried that sailing in his ocean would anger him!

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To be honest, he didn’t have a great start to his immortal life. His father ‘swallowed’ him up as he was worried about being replaced by his children. Poseidon was the one to draw the seas after the Gods had won the Titans’ battle. You would pray to Poseidon to help you if you had a leak on your boat or any other calamity at sea. Of course, the more capable you are at sea, the less you’d need Poseidon’s good graces! For information on a Day Skipper Course, visit www.solentboattraining.co.uk/rya-sailing-courses/rya-day-skipper-practical-sailing

Sailors would be wary of invoking the wrath of this god, as the Trident bearer was more than happy to send you a little storm or some tidal waves. It’s easy to believe that if he didn’t like the sea, he would have said so. Hades would have no doubt swapped right away to get away from being trapped in the underworld, listening to the dead moaning.

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Poseidon built a beautiful palace under the sea made from the finest corals and gems to prove his power but what did he accomplish? He spent all his time moaning on Mount Olympus! Like the sea, he could be calm but also temperamental and quick to anger.
